Paragraph 15 – 16
Study Notes PARAGRAPH 15 Since the nature of suffering is a failure of the conscious force in us to meet the shocks of existence and a consequent shrinking…
Study Notes PARAGRAPH 15 Since the nature of suffering is a failure of the conscious force in us to meet the shocks of existence and a consequent shrinking…
Study Notes PARAGRAPH 14 This elimination is possible because pain and pleasure themselves are currents, one imperfect, the other perverse, but still currents of the delight of existence.…
Study Notes PARAGRAPH 12 In regard to physical pleasure and pain, it is more difficult to apply the universal truth; for this is the very domain of the…
Study Notes PARAGRAPH 9 In our ordinary life this truth is hidden from us or only dimly glimpsed at times or imperfectly held and conceived. But if we…
Study Notes PARAGRAPH 6 Again if we look at World-Existence rather in its relation to the self-delight of eternally existent being, we may regard, describe and realise it as Lila,…
Study Notes Chapter XII Delight of Existence: The Solution The name of That is the Delight; as the Delight we must worship and seek after It. Kena Upanishad IV.6…
Why should Brahman which is perfect, absolute and infinite, desiring nothing throw out a force to create the world of forms in Itself? Brahman is free and is…
Study Notes PARAGRAPH 14 That which is common to all is, we have seen, the satisfaction of conscious-force of existence developing itself into forms and seeking in that development its delight.…