Book – II Chapter – I : Indeterminates, Cosmic Determinations and the Indeterminable – Para 8

Study Notes


     On that hypothesis, there must be behind the action of the material Energy a secret involved Consciousness, cosmic, infinite,building up through the action of that frontal Energy its means of an evolutionary manifestation, a creation out of itself in the boundless finite of the material universe. The apparent inconscience of the material Energy would be an indispensable condition for the structure of the material world-substance in which this Consciousness intends to involve itself so that it may grow by evolution out of its apparent opposite; for without some such device a complete involution would be impossible.


     We have seen in the previous paragraph that the paradox of the imperfect world created by an extra-cosmic perfect Divine can be resolved only if we accept the fact that the Creator is no different from this created world and that He is in all created things as an indwelling principle. He is an Infinite casting infinite possibilities into the form of an evolutionary cosmic order.
     This implies that there must be behind the action of the material Energy of the universe, a secret involved consciousness. This involved consciousness is cosmic and infinite. All that appears in the material universe are its means of evolutionary manifestation built up through the action of that frontal Energy. Whatever we see in this universe is a creation out of itself in the boundless finite of the material universe.
     But, we see only the apparent inconscience of the material energy. This inconscience is an indispensable condition for the structure of the material world-substance. The Consciousness intends to involve itself in the material world-substance so that it may grow by evolution out of its apparent opposite. A complete involution would be possible only in a condition of material inconscience. Let us assume that we want to hide a bright object. We would hide it only behind something that completely blocks its light.

If there is such a creation by the Infinite out of itself, it must be the manifestation, in a material disguise, of truths or powers of its own being: the forms or vehicles of these truths or powers would be the basic general or fundamental determinates we see in Nature; the particular determinates, which otherwise are unaccountable variations that have emerged from the vague general stuff in which they originate, would be the appropriate forms or vehicles of the possibilities that the truths or powers residing in these fundamentals bore within them.


     The creation by the Infinite out of itself must be the manifestation. It hides itself behind the material disguise. It is the manifestation of truths or powers of its own being.
     The basic general or fundamental determinates we see in Nature would be the forms or vehicles of these truths or powers. It means all the fundamental substances that create life forms and material forms in Nature are the vehicles for the power that is manifesting itself.
     From the fundamental determinates are created the particular determinates. The particular determinates are the endless variations we see within the same group. For example, if we take rose plants we find endless variations within the same species. No one can explain the reasons for such innumerable variations. All variations arise from the vague general stuff.
     The particular determinates would be the appropriate forms or vehicles of the possibilities of the truths or powers residing in the fundamentals. This means whatever variations we see on the surface of a creation are the expressions of the truths or powers ingrained in their fundamentals.

The principle of free variation of possibilities natural to an infinite Consciousness would be the explanation of the aspect of inconscient Chance of which we are aware in the workings of Nature,—inconscient only in appearance and so appearing because of the complete involution in Matter, because of the veil with which the secret Consciousness has disguised its presence.


     We see the workings of the cosmic powers as inconscient Chance. But in reality it is not the mere work of Chance. There is the principle of free variation of possibilities natural to an infinite consciousness behind the aspect of Chance. What we term as Chance is really the working of the infinite consciousness. Is it possible for our mind to fit the workings of the Infinite in a narrow grove? It cannot. Precisely for this reason the cosmic workings seem to us the work of Chance.
     Such working only appears as Inconscient. It appears so because of the complete involution in Matter; also because of the veil with which the secret Consciousness has disguised its presence.

The principle of truths, real powers of the Infinite imperatively fulfilling themselves would be the explanation of the opposite aspect of a mechanical Necessity which we see in Nature,—mechanical in appearance only and so appearing because of the same veil of Inconscience.


     There are truths and real powers of the Infinite which fulfil themselves imperatively (necessarily) in the universe. This principle of imperative action of the Infinite explains the aspect of mechanical Necessity which we see in Nature.
     What we see as mechanical is only in appearance. It appears so because of the same veil of Inconscience.

It would then be perfectly intelligible why the Inconscient does its works with a constant principle of mathematical architecture, of design, of effective arrangement of numbers, of adaptation of means to ends, of inexhaustible device and invention, one might almost say, a constant experimental skill and an automatism of purpose. The appearance of consciousness out of an apparent Inconscience would also be no longer inexplicable.


     With the explanations stated above, now we can understand perfectly why the Inconscient does its works with a constant principle of mathematical architecture. We find there is a principle of design, of effective arrangement of numbers in the material forms of the universe. For example we find elements are arranged according to their atomic number. The atomic number uniquely identifies with a chemical element.
     We find there is constant adaptation taking place in both living and nonliving forms to ensure their survival in the universe. For example plants and animals living in the ocean are suitably modified to support their marine existence. Those forms who live in the desert are modified to suit their existence in the desert. We find in the universe an inexhaustible device and invention. There is a constant experimental skill and an automatic fulfilment of purpose in the operations of the universe.
     Therefore, we come to the conclusion that the appearance of consciousness out of an apparent Inconscience would also be no longer inexplicable.