Book – II Chapter – I : Indeterminates, Cosmic Determinations and the Indeterminable – Para 9 to 10 (Part 4)

Study Notes


     All the unexplained processes of Nature would find their meaning and their place if this hypothesis proved to be tenable. Energy seems to create substance, but, in reality, as existence is inherent in Consciousness-Force, so also substance would be inherent in Energy,—the Energy a manifestation of the Force, substance a manifestation of the secret Existence. But as it is a spiritual substance, it would not be apprehended by the material sense until it is given by Energy the forms of Matter seizable by that sense.


     We would find answers to all the unexplained processes of Nature once we admit the fact that it is the Consciousness which is evolving from the apparent Inconsciousness.
     Energy seems to create substance. We know that Existence (Sat) is inherent in Consciousness-Force (Chit-shakti). So also substance would be inherent in Energy. Here, Energy is a manifestation of Consciousness-Force and substance a manifestation of the secret Existence.
     But it is a spiritual substance. Therefore, it would not be apprehended by the material sense unless it is made by Energy into forms of Matter seizable by our sense.

One begins to understand also how arrangement of design, quantity and number can be a base for the manifestation of quality and property; for design, quantity and number are powers of existence-substance, quality and property are powers of the consciousness and its force that reside in the existence;they can then be made manifest and operative by a rhythm and process of substance.


     We know that atoms are the basic building-block of all matter inclusive of both living and nonliving things. There is a unique atomic number (number of protons found in the nucleus of every atom of that element) for each element. For example the atomic number of carbon is 6; the atomic number of gold is 79. Therefore the number(quantity) decides the quality of an element whether it is carbon or gold.
     We begin to understand how arrangement of design (molecular structure), quantity and number can be a base for manifestation of quality and property. The design, quantity and number are powers of existence-substance (Sat aspect). Quality and property are powers of the consciousness and its force (Chit-shakti aspect) that reside in the existence. These qualitative aspects can be made manifest and operative by a rhythm and process of the substance.

The growth of the tree out of the seed would be accounted for, like all other similar phenomena, by the indwelling presence of what we have called the Real-Idea; the Infinite’s self-perception of the significant form, the living body of its power of existence that has to emerge from its own self-compression in energy-substance, would be carried internally in the form of the seed, carried in the occult consciousness involved in that form, and would naturally evolve out of it.


     What is responsible for the growth of the tree out of the seed? It is the indwelling presence of what we call as Real-Idea. It is the Infinite’s self-perception of the significant form, the living body of its power of existence that is evolving as a tree out of the seed.
     This power is emerging from its own self-compression in energy- substance. It would be carried internally in the form of seed. It is carried in the occult consciousness involved in that form (seed) and would naturally evolve out of it.

There would be no difficulty either in understanding on this principle how infinitesimals of a material character like the gene and the chromosome can carry in them psychological elements to be transmitted to the physical form that has to emerge from the human seed; it would be at bottom on the same principle in the objectivity of Matter as that which we find in our subjective experience,—for we see that the subconscient physical carries in it a mental psychological content, impressions of past events, habits, fixed mental and vital formations, fixed forms of character, and sends them up by an occult process to the waking consciousness, thus originating or influencing many activities of our nature.


     In the same way there would be no difficulty in our understanding as to how infinitesimals of material character like the gene and chromosome can carry psychological elements in them. We know that such psychological elements are transmitted to the physical form that emerges from the human seed. It is on the same principle that it is in the objectivity of Matter at bottom we find that which is in our subjective experience.
     Because we see that the subconscient physical in us carries in it a mental psychological content. It carries the impressions of past events, habits, fixed mental and vital formations and fixed forms of character. Our subconscient sends these past impressions up by an occult process to the waking consciousness. Thus it originates or influences many activities of our nature.


     On the same basis there would be no difficulty in understanding why the physiological functionings of the body help to determine the mind’s psychological actions: for the body is not mere unconscious Matter; it is a structure of a secretly conscious Energy that has taken form in it. Itself occultly conscious, it is, at the same time, the vehicle of expression of an overt Consciousness that has emerged and is self-aware in our physical energy substance.


     We have seen that the subconscient physical in us carries in it a mental psychological content, all the impressions of the past and sends them to our waking consciousness influencing our activities. In the same way we can understand why the physiological functionings of the body help to determine the mind’s psychological actions. For example, bad digestion can cause anxiety and stress.
     The body is not mere unconscious matter. Our body is a form taken by a structure of a secretly conscious Energy. The body by itself is occultly conscious. At the same time it is the vehicle of expression of an overt (outward) consciousness that has emerged. The body is aware of itself in our physical energy substance.

The body’s functionings are a necessary machinery or instrumentation for the movements of this mental Inhabitant; it is only by setting the corporeal instrument in motion that the Conscious Being emerging, evolving in it can transmit its mind formations, will formations and turn them into a physical manifestation of itself in Matter. The capacity, the processes of the instrument must to a certain extent reshape the mind formations in their transition from mental shape into physical expression; its workings are necessary and must exercise their influence before that expression can become actual.


     The body’s functions are the necessary machinery or instrumentation of this mental inhabitant. There is the Conscious Being emerging and evolving in our body. By setting this bodily instrument in motion the evolving Conscious Being can transmit its mind formations and will formations. It can turn them into physical manifestation of itself in Matter.
     Our body has a certain capacity and has its own processes. To a certain extent the mind formations in their transition from mental shape into physical expression are reshaped by our body. The workings of our bodily instrument are necessary and they must exercise their influence before they find their physical expression.

The bodily instrument may even in some directions dominate its user; it may too by a force of habit suggest or create involuntary reactions of the consciousness inhabiting it before the waking Mind and Will can control or interfere. All this is possible because the body has a “subconscient” consciousness of its own which counts in our total self-expression; even, if we look at this outer instrumentation only, we can conclude that body determines mind, but this is only a minor truth and the major Truth is that mind determines body.


     The body may dominate the mind in some directions. By force of habit our body may suggest or create involuntary reactions of the consciousness dwelling in it before our waking Mind and Will steps in and takes control.
     This is possible because the body has a subconscient consciousness of its own. In all our total self- expression it plays a role. If we take our body only, which is our exterior appearance, we may conclude that our body determines our mind. It is a minor truth. The major Truth is that mind determines body.

In this view a still deeper Truth becomes conceivable; a spiritual entity ensouling the substance that veils it is the original determinant of both mind and body. On the other side, in the opposite order of process,—that by which the mind can transmit its ideas and commands to the body, can train it to be an instrument for new action, can even so impress it with its habitual demands or orders that the physical instinct carries them out automatically even when the mind is no longer consciously willing them, those also more unusual but well attested by which to an extraordinary and hardly limitable extent the mind can learn to determine the reactions of the body even to the overriding of its normal law or conditions of action,— these and other otherwise unaccountable aspects of the relation between these two elements of our being become easily understandable: for it is the secret consciousness in the living matter that receives from its greater companion; it is this in the body that in its own involved and occult fashion perceives or feels the demand on it and obeys the emerged or evolved consciousness which presides over the body.


     There is a still deeper Truth we can think of in this view. Is there something that determines both our mind and body?
     We are endowed with a spiritual entity, an involved consciousness which is hidden within us. It is the original determinant of both our mind and body. If we go by the opposite order of process, it is by this consciousness that the mind can transmit its ideas and commands to the body; it (the mind) can train the body to be an instrument for new action; it (the mind) can impress the body (create imprint in the body) with its habitual demands or orders. As a result the physical instinct in the body carries them out automatically even when the mind is no longer consciously willing them.
     Also, to an extraordinary extent beyond limit, the mind can learn to determine the reactions of the body even to the overriding of its normal law or conditions of action. Though such phenomena are unusual yet they are well attested by actual experiences.
     These otherwise unaccountable aspects of the relation between the mind and body become easily understandable. Because it is the secret consciousness in the living matter (body) that receives from the consciousness which is evolved.
     It is the secret consciousness in the body, in its own involved and occult fashion, perceives or feels the demand on it. It obeys the emerged or evolved consciousness which presides over the body.