Book – II Chapter – II : Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara — Maya, Prakriti, Shakti – Para 37 to 38(3rd Part)

Study Notes


     In any case, if Spirit is the fundamental reality, Time and Space must either be conceptive conditions under which the Spirit sees its own movement of energy or else they must be fundamental conditions of the Spirit itself which assume a different appearance or status according to the status of consciousness in which they manifest. In other words there is a different Time and Space for each status of our consciousness and even different movements of Time and Space within each status; but all would be renderings of a fundamental spiritual reality of Time-Space.


     The Spirit is the fundamental reality. Then Time and Space must be conceptive conditions under which the Spirit sees its own movement of energy. That is Time & Space are concepts created by the Spirit for its own movement. Or else they must be fundamental conditions of the Spirit itself. They assume a different appearance or status according to the status of consciousness in which they manifest.
     This means Space and Time are not the same throughout. It varies with the states of consciousness we are in. Even within a status there are different movements of Time and Space. For example when a yogi attains a transcendent consciousness Time and Space do not exist for him or they become still. In a yogic consciousness one can live in the past, present and future at the same time. As one rises in consciousness he can rise beyond the physical space and enter into the subtler worlds above.
     All are expressions of a fundamental spiritual reality of Time-Space.

In fact, when we go behind physical Space, we become aware of an extension on which all this movement is based and this extension is spiritual and not material; it is Self or Spirit containing all action of its own Energy. This origin or basic reality of Space begins to become apparent when we draw back from the physical: for then we become aware of a subjective Space-extension in which mind itself lives and moves and which is other than physical Space-Time, and yet there is an interpenetration; for our mind can move in its own space in such a way as to effectuate a movement also in space of Matter or act upon something distant in space of Matter.


     One can rise to a higher level of consciousness and go beyond physical Space. We can then become aware of an extension (on subtler planes) on which all this movement of Space and Time are based. This extension is Spiritual and not material. It is Self or Spirit containing all action of its own Energy.
     We can know the origin or basic reality of Space only when we draw back from the physical plane in which we live. Then we become aware of a subjective Space-extension in which mind itself lives and moves. It is other than the physical Space-Time. For example our mind dwells in a different Space-Time altogether in our dream state.
     Yet there is interpenetration between the physical Space-Time and the subjective Space-Time of our mind. For example our mind can move in its own space in such a way that it can cause a movement in the physical Matter. Or our mind can act upon matter located at a distance in the physical space (We know instances of Madam Theon and the Mother possessing such occult powers, moving physical objects and causing changes in the physical objects by the occult power of the mind).

In a still deeper condition of consciousness we are aware of a pure spiritual Space; in this awareness Time may no longer seem to exist, because all movement ceases, or, if there is a movement or happening, it can take place independent of any observable Time sequence.


     In a still deeper condition of consciousness (Transcendent) we become aware of a pure spiritual Space. In this state of consciousness Time no longer exists and all movement ceases. If there is a movement it takes place independent of any observable Time sequence. We know cases of Yogis who lived in trance in a timeless and spaceless state.


     If we go behind Time by a similar inward motion, drawing back from the physical and seeing it without being involved in it, we discover that Time observation and Time movement are relative, but Time itself is real and eternal. Time observation depends not only on the measures used, but on the consciousness and the position of the observer: moreover, each state of consciousness has a different Time relation; Time in Mind consciousness and Mind Space has not the same sense and measure of its movements as in physical Space; it moves there quickly or slowly according to the state of the consciousness.


     As we can go behind the physical space so also we can go behind Time by a similar inward motion. We can draw back from the physical plane. We can see Time without being involved in it. By an inward concentration it is possible that we are not affected by Time movement. By doing so we observe Time. Then we will discover that Time observation and Time movement are relative. But Time itself is real and eternal.
     In deeper states of meditation we find that Time moves fast (half an hour meditation would appear like 10 minutes). In that state we are not involved in the movement of Time. On the contrary when we involve ourselves in Time movement we find it moving slow (assuming the same half an hour is spent in watching the movement of minutes hand in the clock). Or when someone informs us that an important result which is concerning us would be announced in an hour, that one hour would appear as one day.
     We measure time by various methods and devices. But our observation of Time not only depends on the measures but on the state of our consciousness and our position. Each state of consciousness has a different Time relation. For example we have Mind Space and physical Space. The sense and measure of Time movements are not the same in Mind consciousness and Mind Space as in physical Space. Time moves there quickly or slowly according to the state of the consciousness.

Each state of consciousness has its own Time and yet there can be relations of Time between them; and when we go behind the physical surface, we find several different Time statuses and Time movements coexistent in the same consciousness. This is evident in dream Time where a long sequence of happenings can occur in a period which corresponds to a second or a few seconds of physical Time.


     Each state of consciousness has its own Time. Yet there can be relations of Time between them. We can go behind the physical space and go into our Mind Space. We can find several different Time statuses and Time movements coexistent in the same consciousness.
     If we observe our Mind there are movements of Time-status between the present, past and future. Similarly we can mentally perceive an event happening in a very short duration of Time which in actual reality would take a long time in physical state. It is our common experience that in our dreams we would witness an incident that seems to last for a long duration but in actual physical time it would have taken a few seconds. Yet we find that there is a relationship existing between the Time in our mental consciousness and the Time in our physical consciousness.

There is then a certain relation between different Time statuses but no ascertainable correspondence of measure. It would seem as if Time had no objective reality, but depends on whatever conditions may be established by action of consciousness in its relation to status and motion of being: Time would seem to be purely subjective.


     We find that there is a certain relation between different Time statuses. For example there is a relation of Time between a movement in our dream and the movement in our physical state. But we cannot measure the Time of our dream event or any other event we perceive in our mind. That is, there is no ascertainable correspondence of measure for each Time status.
     Therefore it seems to us that Time as such has no objective reality; but it depends on the conditions established by action of consciousness in its relation to status and motion of being. For example, if it is our dream state the Time is different and if it is our waking state the Time is different. Therefore it seems to us Time is purely subjective i.e., it has no reality of existence.