Study Notes
Thus the whole process of differentiation by the Real-Idea creative of the universe is a putting forward of principles, forces, forms which contain for the comprehending consciousness all the rest of existence within them and front the apprehending consciousness with all the rest of existence implicit behind them. Therefore all is in each as well as each in all. Therefore every seed of things implies in itself all the infinity of various possibilities, but is kept to one law of process and result by the Will, that is to say, by the Knowledge-Force of the Conscious-Being who is manifesting himself and who, sure of the Idea in himself, predetermines by it his own forms and movements.
The Supermind – the Real-Idea is the creator of the universe. It creates the universe by the process of differentiation (meaning creating many out of one, without excluding the many from the one). It is a process of putting forward of principles, forces and forms. They contain within them all the rest of existence for the comprehending consciousness. Yet, they keep the apprehending consciousness in front with all the rest of existence implicit behind them. For example, the seed contains the knowledge of the tree in general. But while developing a tree out of itself, it creates a unique tree which is different from the other tree.
Therefore, all is in each and each is in all. Each seed of things contains in itself infinite possibilities. Yet each obeys one law of process. Each result is foreseen by the Will. It is the law and Will of the Knowledge-Force of the Conscious-Being. It is this Conscious-Being who is manifesting in the universe. His own forms and movements are predetermined by the Idea (Truth-Consciousness) in himself. For example, DNA contains in the entire blue-print of a man. His minute features are pre-determined by it.
The Divine is infinite. While creating finite forms it is the Supermind which determines the law and the Will of the Knowledge-Force which decide how a particular form has to be created. There is a law and a guiding force behind each creation in the universe.
The seed is the Truth of its own being which this Self-Existence sees in itself, the resultant of that seed of self-vision is the Truth of self-action, the natural law of development, formation and functioning which follows inevitably upon the self-vision and keeps to the processes involved in the original Truth. All Nature is simply, then, the Seer-Will, the Knowledge-Force of the Conscious-Being at work to evolve in force and form all the inevitable truth of the Idea into which it has originally thrown itself.
The Self-Existence (Sat) sees in itself the seed – the Truth of its own being. This seed of self-vision results in the Truth of self-action. The natural law of development, formation and functioning follows inevitably upon the self-vision. It keeps to the processes involved in the original Truth.
All Nature is simply the Seer-Will. It is the Knowledge-Force of the Conscious-Being at work. It is to evolve in force and form all the inevitable truth of the Idea. In other words, all Nature evolves in force and form the knowledge of Truth-consciousness which is involved in each form.
This conception of the Idea points us to the essential contrast between our mental consciousness and the Truth-consciousness. We regard thought as a thing separate from existence, abstract, unsubstantial, different from reality, something which appears one knows not whence and detaches itself from objective reality in order to observe, understand and judge it; for so it seems and therefore is to our all-dividing, all-analysing mentality. The first business of Mind is to render “discrete”, to make fissures much more than to discern, and so it has made this paralysing fissure between thought and reality.
We must know the contrast between our mental consciousness and the Truth-consciousness. The Truth-consciousness is based on the Idea (we may call it a divine blue print for the creation). Whereas the mental consciousness is based on thought.
How do we regard thought? We consider thought separate from existence, abstract and different from reality. We do not know from where our thought comes. Thought can separate itself from the object about which it wants to observe, understand and judge. This is how thought is seen from our all-dividing and all-analysing mentality. The first business of the Mind is to create a separate entity. It makes division much more than knowing a thing. Mind has made the paralysing division between thought and reality. For example, when we think of a flower, our thought of it is different from the actual flower itself.
Our conception of the universe and our thinking are two separate things. Our mind detaches itself from the world to observe it, judge it. Thought and reality are two separate entities to man. For Supermind all these are one and the same.
But in Supermind all being is consciousness, all consciousness is of being, and the idea, a pregnant vibration of consciousness, is equally a vibration of being pregnant of itself; it is an initial coming out, in creative self-knowledge, of that which lay concentrated in uncreative self-awareness. It comes out as Idea that is a reality, and it is that reality of the Idea which evolves itself, always by its own power and consciousness of itself, always self-conscious, always self-developing by the will inherent in the Idea, always self-realising by the knowledge ingrained in its every impulsion. This is the truth of all creation, of all evolution.
In Supermind there is no distinction between Being (Sat) and Consciousness (Chit). All being is consciousness. All consciousness is of Being. Supermind contains in itself the Idea (the blue-print of each creation). This idea is a vibration of consciousness containing in itself all possibilities. It is also a vibration of being containing in itself all possibilities.
All creation comes from concentration of self-aware Conscious-force (Chit-shakti). The ‘Idea’ is the initial coming out in creative self-knowledge of the concentrated force. This ‘Idea’ that comes out is a reality. This idea evolves itself by its own power and consciousness. It is self-conscious of itself. It develops on its own by the will which is inborn in it. It realises itself by the knowledge ingrained in its every movement.
This is the truth of all creation, of all evolution.